Tag Archives: seder plate

Bonnie and Mike Heft

Passover Virginia Style

One of the best Heft family Passovers took place while we were on vacation in Virginia.  I knew would be missing our home seders so I packed a big  Passover box with haggadotkippot, a Matzoh cover, candles, Kosher for Pesach foods, a seder plate… anything and everything needed for a Seder and  a week without  bread.

Our first night Seder took place in our timeshare unit.  It was just the four of us, but we had a ball.   The second night was arranged by my husband, who reserved seats for us at a synagogue seder in Richmond.   Not only was it a beautiful seder, but we were toured by congregants and learned of this temple’s fascinating history.   We were surprised by the stories of the Jewish Confederate Civil War soldiers commemorated by plaques, and we really appreciated the preservation of this gorgeous gem of a synagogue.

Bonnie and Mike Heft